A vision on design for Eindhoven

29 July 2015

On request of the city of Eindhoven, the Designhuis organised a city debate with designers, programmers, policymakers and citizens to discuss what are the directions in design that Eindhoven should take. This debate was triggered to think collectively about a possible vision for design in the context of the policymaking within the new Stichting Culture Eindhoven. It was moderated by Caroline Hummels and attended by the most active designers and design organisations of the city, such as Martijn Paulen (Dutch Design Foundation), Angelique Spaninks (MU), Peter Kentie (Eindhoven365), Ingrid van der Wacht (Dutch Design Week), Ton van Gool (VPRO MediaLab), Wendy Plomp (Dutch Invertuals), Remco van de Craats (EDHV).


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