The Automated Newsroom

The Automated Newsroom project is one of the pioneers in robot journalism in the Netherlands. It is a four-year research project (2015-2019) with researchers from Fontys University of Applied Sciences and Tilburg University, together with business partners De Persgroep, VVOJ – Dutch Association of Investigative Journalists, and the publishers' association NDP Nieuwsmedia. The project consists of investigating the impact of Natural Language Process in journalistic productions. It involves the development of the technology in itself, the design of a tool that embodies the technology and offers journalists the functionality of automated news writing, the investigation of the impact in readers' experience, and guidelines to support the innovation developments in the four journalism schools of the Netherlands.

This project is made possible thanks to the support of the Nationaal Regieorgaan Praktijkgericht Onderzoek SIA, which co-financed this project via the programme RAAK-PRO (project reference (2014-01-51PRO), together with the Persgroep, VVOJ and NDP-Nieuwsmedia.


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